Friday, June 10, 2011

Week 16 Stats

Only 1 trading day in this week since I was only able to trade today. But it was a good gain for the day, reclaiming a sizable portion of week 15's loss. Also, even with less trading days than the previous month AND the huge losing day I still had a bigger % increase this month than last month. Nice.

1 comment:

Chaos Theory Trading said...

Good to see you back trading. I agree with you, on Mondays im always nervous before taking any trade for fear of the un-known and Fridays im always reluctant as dont trust the market - its a constant battle with myself to enter trades on these days. I guess this is just another psychological aspect of trading we have to deal with. Good to see you back on track last week/month, lets hope we gets lots of entries for the rest of this month. Good luck for the week . . .