Wednesday, May 4, 2011

DAY 40!!! +7. Big moves and big lag


I am now 2/3 of the way through my 60 day challenge. I feel like an entirely different trader than when I began. And I suppose I am. I'm much more disciplined, patient, calm, focused, and better able to identify what to do, what not do, and when to do it within various market conditions. When I take a loss I know I'll make it back and more. I easily get to sleep at 8pm and wake up at 4:30am which in itself is a radical change in my lifelong sleeping habits. Every day I look forward to trading and every day I feel like I'm progressing further. It's awesome. I'm also now ready for the next jump in units. I've been using 10,000 for the last 20 days. Starting tomorrow I will be using 50,000.

And on to the trades from today. 9 trades, 3 losers 6 winners. Fortunately, Oanda spread was often .8 today, something I haven't seen in a long time. Unfortunately, there was a ton of lag in Oanda's platform today. One of my losers should have been smaller and two of my winners should have been bigger. Oh well. It's a positive day so hey, it ended up well! However, I realized after the session that I may be able to close out via the position window quicker than the quote window when there's lag. So I'll try that next time.

So this weekend I'm going to get my second present to myself, using my Good Boy money, which is that desk I've been wanting. On top if it all the weather is supposed to be gorgeous all week. Yes!

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