Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 1. +4.5. Today I didn't even have to use my A.K. I got to say it was a good day.

$10 in the good boy jar! first I was like, "Man, sticking to these rules is easy. What was the problem before?" And then remembered why it was hard. Suddenly the price started jumping around in the direction I wanted and I thought, "Oh man, that looks good. I should get on that train...arrrgh I can't. The ADX isn't about 25. Damn, I just missed out on 10pips right there, I should have been in. Wait, here's a good one oh yeah...oh arrrrgh can't the direction isn't entirely clear...I just missed another 5 pips! Ohhh here here this one oh's not retracing correct :( :( :(" and that's when I finally noticed how I was feeling and why I got into trouble in the past. However, I held steady and didn't enter a trade until all rules were met. And I was rewarded with 4 profitable trades in a row. Ohyay! Not huge winners at all, but seeing as how I stuck to my rules 100% for the first time I feel great. +4.5 pips.

I may have been been able to take more pips but after my 4th trade spread went from .9 to 1.2 and became a little more erratic. So decided to stay out until it went back down to at least 1 and settled down a bit. Which it did after a while but then my rules were never met 100% again so I stayed out. But I'm very happy with my results as is Billy Idol.

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