Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 16. +1.9. Yellow moves.

I was able to get NT working again, so that's ohyay, but I traded the opening hours of the Asian session. Ever since I've been waking up at 4:30 I've been going to sleep earlier and earlier, of course. I've been trying to get to sleep at 8:30 which isn't so good for girlfriend time. By the time she gets off work and comes over we only get to spend about an hour together before I go to bed. She's supportive and though she'd like to see me more than we've had time lately she's willing to see me through trading the early sessions. But I don't want to neglect her so I really should give the Asian session a try before saying "Sorry baby, I can only trade the NY!!" So from now until the next leg of my 60 day challenge I'll try the Asian. Asian opens at 4pm my time but according to Mataf it has sustained volatility from 4pm - 6pm. I get home from the day job at 4:30. I'm only going for small pips though so it's not too crazy to aim for.

Man, how different this session is. That first trade lasted about 6 minutes. The second lasted 25! Holy shit, that's insane, hah. During NY both those would have lasted no more than 45 seconds. I knew I'd have to give more time for the trades to develop. Just feels strange. Suppose I'll get used to it after a few days.

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